Korea - Part 1
55 Photographs.
Published by: Gallery K.O.N.G.
I can say, with both humility and pride, that I believe South Korea and I have become good friends. Between 2005 and 2018 I have explored and photographed here at least a dozen times, journeying North, South, East and West. I have also had the great pleasure to visit many places in-between. South Korea and its people have been extremely good to me for which I am immensely appreciative.
I always enjoy locations that have mystery and atmosphere, perhaps a patina of age, a suggestion rather than a description, a question or two. South Korea has been a treasure for me in that regard as it has been inhabited for so long. Memories and traces are everywhere, in the air and embedded in teh earth. Korea is still, technically a country at war which dramatically and visually affects its appearance and atmosphere. I had, for example, never before seen beaches protected by barbed wire. I found that lifeguard watchtowers became much more ominous the closer I got to the DMZ. South Korea has provided me with very interesting material to photograph. I cannot imagine what I would find in the North, but I truly hope that one day I will get the chance to see for myself. I have been very fortunate indeed to have spent some time in Korea. A big Gamsahaminida to one and all.
Michael Kenna